Matt and I first met in the summer of 2022. Before we met, Matt was living in Arizona while I was living in Lockhart, TX. We both received phone calls from our friends Monica and Koy, who both asked us to come coach with them at Somerset High School and thats where it all began. Matt became the new strength & conditioning coach while I became one of the new girls’ basketball coaches. My first impression of Matt that summer was thinking he was very good looking but I didnt think he was available. We talked a few times over the summer but not a whole lot.
Fast forward to August at New Teacher Orientation. During an ice breaker activity, Matt and I ended up in the same group by choosing the same personality shape which was a triangle. We instantly found each other so we talked a lot more and laughed at the cheers and dances we had to make as a group in front of everyone there. It was truly embarrassing.
On day two of New Teacher Orientation, I was back late from our lunch break and couldnt find the group I was assigned to that day. I saw Matt walking with his group and told him “I cant find my group” and he said “just come with me.” So we ended up in the same group again and spent the whole day together on our last day of orientation. Later that week we also had CPR training together but we didnt get to practice on each other ;) lol!
I knew I really liked him but didnt have any idea of his relationship status so we both just remained friends up until December that he finally made his move.
In between that time, we talked a bit when we saw each other at work and text here and there all while our friend Monica was teasing us both about liking each other. I had a plan to invite him as my plus one to a wedding in San Angelo, TX but I came down with the flu and strep so I had to cancel. So that December right before Christmas, I was on my way back home to the valley in San Benito, TX to spend the holiday with my family. I got a text from Matt that day while I was traveling saying “drive safe and tell my mother in law I said hi.” So thats when I knew he did actually like me too. If you ask him now he says he thought I was 25 years old the whole time which was too young for him but when he found out my real age he knew he wanted to pursue me. It took him long enough ;)
On January 19th we went on our first date at a local pizza joint we both love and we shared our first kiss. I saw him sneak in a mint before he went in for it.
We decided we wanted to take things very slow. So after four months passed we made our relationship official on May 5th while making street tacos at home for Cinco De Mayo. He loves Mexican food and it was perfect!
On April 27, 2024 Matt proposed at the Sternewirth bar inside Hotel Emma at The Historic Pearl in San Antonio, TX. Afterwards, he surprised me at the next restaurant by having my best friends and my parents to celebrate with.
Now we are so grateful to you, our family and friends, for your love and support. We cant wait to celebrate our wedding day with you soon!